October 25, 2018
Click here to read the full report.
The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2019 budget of $5.9 billion because it is structurally balanced without raising new taxes and continues the practice of making supplemental pension payments.
The Federation is encouraged by the County’s strong level of fund balance reserves and its commitment to performance-based budgeting and mid-year preliminary forecast hearings. The Federation further applauds the County’s continued dedication to making supplemental pension payments to the Cook County pension fund, but recommends the County seek to codify the supplemental payments in State statute.
The report offers a number of recommendations to improve the transparency and efficiency of the County's services and budgeting practices, including urging the County to move forward with plans to relocate the Oak Forest Health Center, develop a clearer vision for Provident Hospital and pursue cost savings that reflect the recent changes to Cook County’s jail and court system.